Exactly 6,746,702 people in Austria have received at least one Corona vaccination, or nearly three-quarters of the total population (74.2 percent). “Vaccination has prevented thousands of deaths in Austria and spared tens of thousands of people serious illness. The benefit exceeds the risk many times over,” Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) stressed Thursday.
20 million Corona vaccinations administered in Austria
5.1 million people (56.2 percent) have completed their primary immunization of three vaccinations against the coronavirus, and 1.6 million have also been boostered with at least one additional sting. Among at-risk groups, vaccination coverage rates are even higher: more than 80 percent of people aged 75 and older have completed their primary immunization, and more than half have already received their booster.
“Vaccination is a success story,” Rauch was pleased to say in the release. “It is the prerequisite that Austria has coped well with the pandemic – and so far has also come through this winter without a major corona wave.” Austria’s first doses were vaccinated almost two years ago, on December 27, 2020.
Common side effects of corona vaccination
After immunization, he said there are often harmless reactions, such as pain at the injection site, mild fever or fatigue. They are a consequence of the immune response to the vaccination. In rare cases, unexpected and harmful reactions occur, such as heart muscle inflammation or thrombosis. These can usually be treated well, the Ministry of Health emphasized.
50 cases of vaccine damage after Corona vaccination in Austria
By the end of last year, 50 points of vaccine damage had been recognized. Thirty-eight received a one-time lump-sum cash benefit, and twelve received repeated payments in the form of pension benefits. According to new studies, however, vaccination also protects against possible long-term consequences (Long Covid), the ministry said.
- source: APA/picture: pixabay.com
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